
Monday 20 May 2019

May 20, 2019

Creating A Tenant Base: How To Boost The Power Of Your Rental Advertising

Did you know the digital advertising market is worth over $192 billion?
Are you having trouble finding new tenants with your rental ads? Not to worry! In this article, we’ll go over some tips on rental advertising and help you find new renters.
Want to learn more? Keep reading to find out!

Rental Advertising: A Guide

Tenants searching for a new home need a place to find your information. They won’t know you’re renting unless through word of mouth. Let’s take a look at some different methods you can use to reach more people.

Use Social Media

Millions of people use Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. If you have a rental company, consider creating a Facebook page or Twitter account.
If not, you can use your own personal accounts to let people know you have a spot available for rent.

Use Rental Sites

A site like Craigslist is helpful because you can post free rental listings. They are visible to anyone who’s looking for an apartment in your area.
Potential tenants can narrow their search criteria based on specific factors. They can search based on the number of rooms or the rental price.

Use Your Newspaper

Some tenants look for potential rental places in a newspaper. Advertise your opening on the weekend. More people will read the paper on the weekend and see your rental.
Rental ads are small. Make sure you use the proper abbreviations to save space. An ad in a newspaper costs a bit, but you’ll have increased exposure to your property.

Post Flyers Throughout Your Community

Putting up signs or flyers about your rental will help get the word out. You could place notices in laundromats, bus stops, grocery stores, and colleges.
People will pass the flyer if it’s not bright. Add in some photographs and bold headlines to catch their attention. Include a tear-off at the bottom with your contact information.

Word of Mouth Works

Let your current tenants know that you have a vacancy. They might know a friend or relative who is looking for a new place to live.
Tell your own family and friends. They will pass it on to their private network. For greater inventive, consider offering a referral fee.

Use a Rental Sign

Tape one of these signs onto the window of your building. For anyone passing by, they might take down your telephone number or tell a friend. Make sure the number is easy to see from the street.

Get a High-Quality Website

Get a quality website to advertise your rentals. A site is a great spot to share all the essential information about your property. Keep it simple and easy to navigate.
Make sure you take quality photos of your property to showcase on your site. If you want help, get property management marketing here.

Want to Learn More?

We hope you found this article on rental advertising insightful. Let your personal network know about your vacancy through social media.
Want to learn more? Check out how to get more social media followers.
May 20, 2019

How To Create Online Promotions For A Digital Consulting Agency

The digital age is not done claiming victims in stagnant businesses and industries.
Even the oldest traditional bricks-and-mortar businesses are being disrupted in surprising ways.
Thus, digital consulting businesses simply must walk the walk and talk the talk in maximizing digital methods, starting with the basics like online promotions.
Here are some basics…

Don’t You Know Who I Am? Do You Know You Are?

Online promotions leverage the near infinite connections to customers of the internet.
First, they give the chance to grow awareness about your brand and company. Second, they give you control over your identity. Even when people don’t know a business, a solid marketing plan via online promotions can still create a good impression.
But what will those perceptions be? A good marketing department will have already developed those core ideal. That creates the foundation for any other promotions online or otherwise.

First Impressions Matter

They really do, it’s how people’s brains work. The first time a potential customer interacts with your business sets expectations and leaves long-lasting impressions.
For digital consultants, that first impression needs to be both online and impressive.

Know your audience

Another way to say this is to do your homework. The internet has given birth to big data. Doing an online promotion campaign only make sense after identifying who the targeted customers are and how to get to them.

Online Promotions Need to Inspire, Prompt, Excite

These online promotions should prompt business leaders to learn more about how to take their businesses boldly and successfully into the digital age.
Digital technologies have enabled all businesses to do more than any other tool in the history of humanity, especially small business and startups. That’s exciting and potential customers need to feel that excitement when they experience your promotions.

Visuals? Yes!

Powerful digital tools unlock the ability to create, distribute and consume bigger and better visuals. No space online should ever be wasted on weak visual appeal.
Visual appeal not only draws more eyes, it also increases perceived value. If it looks expensive, it must be expensive, right?
What will customer see after clicking through to a website is just as important as the initial promotion they saw. This is a good place to go visual as well. Consider a carousel of relevant and compelling images to hook visitors.

Create Content to Impress

Once someone is on a site, something needs to keep them there.
Great content on a site is the closer for a digital operation. This is where a team of inbound marketers can come in and help make the most of the promotional activity.
Sign up now and get the articles you need to show businesses you are the firm they need to step into the digital age.
May 20, 2019

5 Ways To Get People To Read Your Life Coach Blog

You’ve got the words. You’ve got the coaching experience. Now where are those readers?
It can be challenging to get people to read your blog no matter what you do. Luckily, there are some proven strategies you can use to boost readership and, hopefully, response!
Check out these top five ways for getting people to read your life coach blog. Then start revamping to get those readers today!

5 Ways to Get People to Read Your Life Coach Blog

1. Go in with a goal

Whatever marketing tools you use, you always want to have an objective.
This is key so that you can measure your progress along the way and more easily achieve your goals.
When it comes to writing a blog, your goal should be in terms of visitors to your blog and/or shares of your posts. It may be helpful to start out with lower numbers, or a number that matches your current readership.
Your goal may also have something to do with conversions. That is, you may want to make a goal of having a certain number of people read your blog and then purchase your product or ask for more information.
Walk in with a goal and craft all of your posts for your life coach blog around this.

2. Have timely posts

Sticking to a schedule when releasing your blog posts makes you look more professional and can give you reason to invite readers to subscribe to your blog.
A daily or weekly post is more likely to be read than one that appears sporadically every now and then.
Set a blog release schedule that is reasonable for you, and one that still promotes unique content.

3. Keep the reader in mind

You want to deliver content in your blog that is relevant and worth the amount of time put in to read each post.
Choose content that is relevant to current social issues. Be specific and concise in your writing. Posts should be short and sweet, with a solution offered to a problem or selection of tips for a clear outcome.
When brainstorming ideas, think about what could address a lot of people. For example, write about The Avatar Course or ways to stop feeling stuck in life.

4. Network, network, network

Keeping a blog doesn’t mean you don’t have to network.
Post comments to other similarly minded blogs, promote other blogger’s products, and see about cross-linking your blog with others’.
Check out other blog directories and make sure yours is on at least one. Reach out to other bloggers and ask for tips and advice.
The more you network, the more you expand your readership for your life coach blog.

5. Stay on top of your links

Make sure that you have links peppered throughout your blog posts that link to your website or other pages.
The same goes for your website. Readers should always be able to access relevant blog posts from your site no matter where they navigate.

Building Your Blog Readership

Your life coach blog is central to your marketing as a coach. Build your readership by networking, managing your content and links, and always writing with a clear objective in mind.
In no time, you can transform your readership into numbers that promote your business! Build these tips into your blog today.
May 20, 2019

What’s In It For Me? The Payoff Of Real Estate Online Advertising

Many people probably remember seeing Realtors(R) faces on bus benches.
It was just the way they used to advertise and bring in new clients. That image signified a great deal of pressure for the Realtor(R). Their smiling face had to be convincing enough to tell the client, they were trustworthy.
The internet, however, has changed real estate online advertising. Realtors(R) can now rely on the internet for their marketing strategies to bring in new business.
When you advertise online you’re trying to sell a lifestyle. Your goal is to make potential clients imagine themselves in their dream home.
If you want to make their dreams come through, we’ve put together a guide to help you do it.

Digital Means Trackable

The digital era has made it possible for real estate online advertising to reach more people than old-school advertising. With the use of Facebook accounts, companies are able to track the number of shares and followers. As well as Twitter and Instagram.
Google Analytics keeps track of daily page visits, time spent on the site, and places where people click.
With previous marketing campaigns such as bus benches and newspaper adds it was more difficult to track the audience reached. The problem with newspapers and magazine adds, is only readers from a certain age and demographic.

Pay-Per-Click Real Estate Online Advertising

Pay-per-click is a type of online advertising and they also appear near the google searches. This advertising model ensures the client only pays when the advertisement results in a lead.
If the real estate company doesn’t get a click on their ad, then they don’t have to pay for it. It’s a way to create cheaper and more effective promoting.

Pinterest Advertising

Pinning has become so popular and for those who advertise, nearly 30% have an annual income of over 100K. Realtors(R) can see an increase in their number of visitors if they sign up for Pinterest.
The boards are part of why Pinterest attracts so many people. Real estate agents can post pictures of their projects in boards to attract buyers and sellers.
Boards titled dream home, style and decor, city apartments and such attract many views that can lead directly to a real estate site.

Instagram Interactions

Instagram has over 300 million users. These users are active and like to participate in the conversation. What a better way to attract more clients than interact with them.
You can attract more followers by using the right hashtags and following the newest trends. Instagram users are always looking to follow trendy images.
Instagram often works by word of mouth. The user who sees your image might not be the one buying, but with the use of a button.
They can tell a friend “Click here” and the Realtor(R) can find a new client.

Ready to Advertise

It’s time to put these new skills to work and see your online real estate traffic increase. The use of Pinterest and Instagram will make your company more visually appealing.
Taking advantage of the internet is a smart way to create new advertising and marketing campaigns for your real estate company. And only pay for the advertising that will give you clicks and results.
If you enjoyed this article, check out the rest of the blog and learn a few more tricks
May 20, 2019

4 Online Promotion Tips For Las Vegas Wedding Venues

There is nothing more frustrating than working hard to create great content only to have it disappear into the vast expanse of the Internet. Your hard work should be seen by an audience ready to engage with your clients and their brand.
Las Vegas wedding venues have an opportunity to reach a target customer base that actively wants to use their services. In order to do so, though, they have to be able to successfully promote themselves.
Marketing your business online doesn’t have to be complicated. Below, we’re reviewing four online promotion tips that Las Vegas wedding venues can benefit from to reach more people.

1. Evaluate Your Logo

Your logo is one of the first things that an audience will associate with your brand, and it could make them want to learn more or cause them to write you off. If you feel like your business isn’t getting the attention you want online, your logo could be to blame.
Because of the nature of what they do, Las Vegas wedding venues have an opportunity to be creative with their logos. A logo should be a representation of the brand, so for a wedding venue it should be fun and festive and create a feeling of joy.

2. Las Vegas Wedding Venues Should Provide Value for Its Audiences

If you want people to engage with your content, you need to start with the highest quality content possible. What you write should answer questions for your audience, or provide them with information that will make their lives easier.
Las Vegas venue Little Church of the West does this well. Click here to see how their blog focuses on solutions that engaged couples, wedding planners or others looking into the venue would find helpful.

3. Implement a Strong SEO Strategy

Like any business with a web presence, Las Vegas wedding venues rely on search engines for a lot of their online traffic. Higher SEO rankings typical translate to more people engaging with a site and reading its content.
Make sure you’re up-to-date with SEO trends and best practices so you can stay competitive and get your content seen by the right audience.

4. Be Consistent on Social Media

Almost all of today’s consumers have at least one social media profile, so if you aren’t promoting yourself on those channels you could be missing a huge opportunity.
Do some research to figure out which social media sites your target demographic uses the most, and begin posting there on a consistent basis. It’s a great place to promote blog content and upcoming promotions, or even just to share photos. The more your audience sees you, the more they’ll engage with what you’re publishing.

Ready to Improve Your Engagement?

Online promotion and engagement can make or break your business. If your content hasn’t been getting the kind of traffic you and your clients would like, consider ways to update and improve your marketing strategy.
By signing up for our services, you’ll be connected to a network of marketers and successful marketing ideas. Those connections can significantly improve your promotion and result in better client relationships. Sign up today!
May 20, 2019

How To Create A Killer Online Promotion Strategy For A Loan Forgiveness Program

Think about how much of our time is spent interacting with social media, smartphones and our laptops. We are inundated with choices online, especially when it comes to products and services. You may not know it, but an online promotion strategy has brought those choices to you.
This means that within each niche industry there is constant and fierce competition. Regardless of the size of your business, it’s essential that you market yourself online.
But some business owners may be asking themselves where to start. With so many media and informational outlets, what is the best strategy? The answer may be to start simply.
If you own a loan forgiveness program and want more exposure, you need to consider an online promotion strategy to help get your name in front of more people.
Let’s look at some concepts you need to put into action.

What’s the Target Audience for Your Promotion Strategy?

Before you start, you need to understand your target demographic. Ask yourself who your ideal customer is. The focus of your campaign should be on this niche audience.
Keep in mind that you cannot please everyone. Your target market should be narrowly defined. Do some research to find out what type of person needs your services. Are these predominantly males or females and what is the age group?
Defining your target audience first will determine how your strategy is executed down the road.

Create Focused Content

Now that you’ve defined your audience, you need to get content out on the web. Custom content is like food for the internet. The more focused and quality content there is about your business, the better.
Blogging is a great way to spread your knowledge of the industry to consumers. If you own a loan forgiveness company, you know the process that is ahead for people with student loan problems. Organizations like Forgiveness Processing provide content that allows users to learn more about student loan issues.

Social Media Is a Necessity

A loan forgiveness company will likely service a younger audience. This means that social media is one of the most essential tools for getting your name out there. It also acts as a great delivery system for blog articles and news about your company.
You need to create social media profiles for your company that provide all the pertinent information a potential customer would need. But don’t stop there. Use these profiles to put out information about your company and current issues related to loan forgiveness and student debt.

Track Your Success

It always helps to see firsthand how online marketing is helping you. This will inform you of the strengths and weaknesses of your online promotion strategy. Make sure and look at your blog statistics to see which topics garnered more interest.
Social media performance is easy to track through likes and shares. Always keep an eye on what type of content is getting more attention. You may also consider setting up a Google Analytics account which will help you track online campaigns.

Online Marketing the Right Way

Your online promotion strategy may be the best way to get your loan forgiveness business in front of the right eyes. Follow the techniques discussed above and start promoting your business methodically and with quality content. provides a content marketing platform that allows our clients to scale and track their entire campaign. Sign up today