
Showing posts with label Camera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Camera. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

February 13, 2019

Classification Of Solids

Classification Of Solids
The solids are classified in the following  types;
. Crystalline solids are those in which there is a regular arrangement of atoms and molecules.the neighbors of every molecule are arranged in a regular pattern which is consistent throughout the Crystal. the ordered structure of crystalline solids can be studied by x-ray diffraction technique.
. Some examples of crystalline solids are,in metals.copper iron zinc etc.Motivation of,  molecule . and I'm the  atoms, molecular ion in a crystalline solid or instead of vibratory
motion about fixed Paints. their applied of vibration increases with the increase in temp.
but position remind.
. Remains same. the Cohesive forces between, at molecules are ions solar mein streak
long in Tum  vibration. When the temperature for a little little exceeds from a certain limit
when its structure suddenly break up and the solid. melts every crystalline structure has
a definite melt melting point.
. The word Amarphous means without Param structure. in amorphous solid, there is no regular arrangement of molecules, Amorphous solids are more like liquids with the ordered structure frozen in it. they are also known as solid liquid, liquid is frozen. examples ordinary, class, which is solid at ordinary.
. Temperature, has no regular arrangement of molecules. on heating, it gradually of turns
into taste like state before becomes a very viscous. liquid at almost 8 c Thoughts amorphous solids are also called Glassy solids.such type of solid has no definite melting
point. Holi Relative motion of the loop
. And the magnet produce the induced EMF in the loop.In fact the relative motion change the magnet.






Tuesday, 12 February 2019

February 12, 2019

Avo Metter- Multimeter

. Avo matter  is an electrical instrument which can measure the current in a mperes,Potential
difference in voltage and resistance in ahms. Avo matter basically consists  of a sensitive moving
cail galvanometer which can be converted into a:

. Multirange Amita by connecting a current measuring circle with it.
. Multirange voltmeter by connecting about measuring circuit with it
. Multirange ohmme ter by connecting Resistance wedding circuit with it.
. For this purpose, a switch called the function which is used. FS is the function selector switch, which connects the galvanometer with the relevant meaning circuit. following parts describe the working of AVO  meter.
. The world measuring part of a v o metre is of multi range voltmeter. it consists of a number of resistances each of which is connected in series with the moving coil galvanometer with the help of which which is called range switch. the value of each resistance depends upon the range of voltmeter, which is controlled; these serious resistance are called multi colours. we can measure AC volt with a v o metre. for the purpose, AC is first converted into DC and then mired. . Yes for this AC is a first converted into DC and then measured. the current Mehreen part of a v o metre is multi range ammeter. it consists of a number of low resistance connected in parallel with the galvanometer. the value of these resistance depends upon the range of ammeter. this circuit also has range selection switch off or which is used to select the particular range. . The resistance bearing part of a VM is multi range ohm metre. it consists of a battery of EMF volt and a variable resistance are connected in series with the Galvanometer of resistance r. when the functions which is switched to be position. X, then the circuit is connected with x, why terminals, of a v o metre.
. Before marrying the unknown resistance by 0h ammeter it is first zeroed which means that we short circuit has terminal x,y and adjust or to produce full scale deflection. . It is an electric instrument instrument which is used to measure current, resistance and volte in a circuit. the important features of digital multimeter:
. it is digital version of anavo metre.
. it is very accurate device it is much effort to read. . it removes the reading error. . hit shows the digital value with decimal point, polarity and the unit of we, A or ahm.


Monday, 28 January 2019

January 28, 2019

Current Through Metallic Conductor

Current Through Metallic Conductor;

The valance electrons in metals are not bound to the individual atoms but are free to move in metals. These electrons are called free electrons. The speed of randomly moving depend upon temperature. 

Motion Of Free electron metals:

The free electrons in metals are in random motion just like the molecules of the gas in the cantainer.

Current Through Metals When No Battery is Connected:

In this case.the rate at which free electrons pass throngh in from right to left in the same as the rate at which they pass from left to right.As a result,the current throngh the wire is zero.

Current Through Metals When Battery is Connected:

When the end of wire are connected to a battery,an electrons field is set up at every point within the wire.A force acts on the free electrons in a direction opposite to that electric field E.due to the applied field,the electron change their random motion in such a way that they drift slowly with a constant velocity in a direction opposite to the field. The velocity is called drift velocity.Hence,a current begins to flow through the conducter.

Drift Velocity:

The average constant speed with which free electrons drift (flow) when current flows through the conductor is called drift velocity.The drift velocity is of the order of 10m/sec or 1mm/ sec.

Acceleration Of Electrons:

The force experienced by the free electrons does not produce a net acceleration because the electrons keep on colliding with the atoms of the conducter. The overall effort of colliding is to transfer the energy of accelerating electrons to the lattice atoms.
Steady current is maintained is the wire when a constant potential difference is applied across it. It produces the necessary field e along the wire


The velocity of electrons at room temperature due to thermal motion is several hundred kilometers per second.