
Monday 20 May 2019

4 Great Tips For Construction Advertising Online

The global construction industry is about to account for $10 trillion annually in the next few years. That means that there’s plenty of money to be made, but also lots of competition.
As more companies are using construction advertising to attract customers, more of that action is happening online.
If you’re still relying on word of mouth, billboard, or trade magazine advertising, you’re behind the times. You need to start building your online presence before your competitors take up all the potential client space.
If you’re new to marketing your construction company online, here are 4 tips to get construction advertising to work for your business.

1. Register With Local Listings

Getting yourself listed on local services sites today is just as important as getting yourself in the white pages was 10 or 15 years ago.
Start with the biggest one, Google.
Register with Google Places so that you can end up in search results, on Google Maps, and get customers in touch with you. They will verify your information to ensure they’ve got the right address, hours, and business name.
Since they’re the biggest search engine, services that get their data from Google will fall into place.
Yahoo! has their own competitive database called Yahoo! Local. It’s also free and easy to set up. After a few simple steps, you’ll take your place in local search results.
Go onto Yelp, Bing, and Angie’s List to make sure you’ve got accurate information listed on all of those sites. Getting people the right phone number, hours, and location will affect whether or not you see new customers coming in.

2. Social Media Is Free Advertising

Make sure you’ve got a presence on all the major social media sites. Make sure you add content at least once a week to keep customers and followers engaged with you.
Your first step should be to follow your competitors to see what they’re doing with their social media profiles. Don’t copy them. In fact, use what they’ve done to inform how you can stand out from the pack.
Don’t be afraid to develop a voice and a personality specific to each social media outlet. This will make your business seem like it’s run by real, approachable people who customers want to work with.
You never know what could go viral.
Outlets like Instagram and Snapchat will require that you flex your camera skills. Take plenty of photos and think hard about how each one shows who you are as a construction company.
Showing works in progress can get customers excited and keep you from fielding so many phone calls for updates.

3. Get Blogging/Vlogging

Blogging allows potential investors to track the progress of projects and is a useful piece of construction advertising.
Think about making a YouTube video at least once a year to talk about new tech you’re using, new approaches, new staff, and new projects. If your company just invested in new seal coating machines, make a video to show them off!
Blogging will build a voice for your brand over time and give you “brand authority”, which proves you’re the experts in your area.=

4. Local SEO

If you’re new to Search Engine Optimization, you need to get to know the ropes. Search engines use “web crawlers” to index the internet via keywords and phrases.
You want to use important keywords in blog posts and headers of your website. You also need to name the region you work in to inform your visitors where they can find you.

Construction Advertising Has Never Been Easier

What’s great about advertising online is that it’s easy and most companies haven’t taken full advantage of the possibilities yet.
This is your opportunity to take the lead in your area. If you’re not taking advantage of all of the e-commerce and digital marketing opportunities for your small business, get to it!
It won’t be long before your competitors get wind of the newest tactics in digital construction advertising.