Magnetic Properties Of Solids
. Bar magnets and moving charges I, e, current produces a magnetic field. from the study of these magnetic fields, it is possible to trace the origin of the magnetic properties of the materials. the magnetic field of a long current carrying solenoid is similar to a long bar magnet and the Magnet field due to a single loop is similar to a short bar magnet. . The magnetic field Aadu 2 sir calling. this view was firstly given by ampere. but it was not favorable in his oven period due to the unknown structure of atom. later on, by knowing the internet structure, its affairs to be basically correct. the resultant magnetic field created by the electrons within an atom is due to the combined field created by their Aarti orbital and spin motion.. As there was a number of electrons in an atom, there are spin or a legend so that they cancel the magnetic effect musically or stronger than the effect of each other. an atom in which. there is a resultant magnetic field, behaves like a tiny magnetic and is called magnetic dipole. so we concluded that it is impossible to obtain an isolated North Pole.. The north pole is merrily one side of a current loop while the South Pole is on the other side. according to magnetic properties, we can divide the substances into three types, the substances in which magnetic field produced by the orbital and Spain motion of electrons for each other and the atom behave like a tiny magnet, are called the paramagnetic substances. e.. Play plant magnet is etc. the substances in which magnetic field produced by the orbital and spin motion of electrons cancel each other and there is no permanent magnetic moment between the atoms. are called diamagnetic substance. e. money atoms of water etc. the substances in which the atoms co-operate. Each other is such a way that they X habit a strong magnetic effect and are strongly attracted by a magnetic field, are called ferromagnetic substances. iron Nickel Cobalt chromium oxide and Lenovo alnico etc. the small magnetized regions in a ferromagnetic substance are called domains. they are of the microscopic size of the order.. A millimetre or less what large enough to contain 10 to 10 items. in each domain, the magnetic field of all spinning electron are parallel to each other, in an iron sample, the domains are oriented in a disordered where should the net magnetic effect becomes zero .birthday banner sample is placed in an external magnetic field.. Then the domain becomes parallel to lines of eternal magnetic field. show the iron become a powerful magnet and is called electromagnetic. domains in the soft magnetic material. iron is a soft magnetic material because it's domains can be easily oriented on applying an external magnetic field and also return to original position when the field is removed.. Domains in hard magnetic material when is steel is a hard magnetic substance because it's domains cannot be easily detected on applying the external magnetic field. the domain in steel can be lined up by a very strong external magnetic field, but once warranted, Hiten their positions,